Category Archives: Positive Psychology

How Can You Practice Self-Compassion More Accurately?

What is Self-Compassion?  With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend. Instead of judging and criticizing yourself for various failures, self-compassion means you are kind and understanding when confronted with personal failings. Using self-compassion, when I undergo frustrations, failures, or limitations I can choose to honor and […]

8 Things To Do For Your Mental Health During Self-Quarantine!

During this self-quarantine, take some positive steps towards your mental health and reset your mind for the better, using these tips! 1. Good Night! An often overlooked aspect of a good and healthy living is adequate sleep. So make sure that at night, you put your phone aside two hours before dozing off, cover the […]

Why ‘Girl, Interrupted’ was a win for Depiction of Mental Illness in Cinema

‘Girl, Interrupted’, set in the 1960s, traces the story of an 18 year old Susanna who is sent to a mental health institution for treatment, where her experiences eventually compel her to choose between the chaos inside the institution and outside its gates. Psychological Interpretation. The movie highlights the troubled state of people suffering from […]

A Pinch Of Gratitude Is What You Need!

One of the most powerful ways to change the atmosphere of the mind is to cultivate gratitude in our lives. This means focusing our attention on what we deeply appreciate. Appreciation softens us. It soothes our turbulent minds by connecting us with the wonderful ordinary things which often go unnoticed. Appreciation takes some weight off […]

How To Calm Coronavirus Anxiety With Some Mindfulness?

The human mind weaves upto seventy thousand thoughts per day, as per the findings of The Laboratory of Neuroimaging at the University of Southern California. There is an ongoing debate about whether that number holds true or not. But one thing we know for sure is that the mind never rests – whether sleeping or […]