Category Archives: Osho

The True Nature Of Complete Detachment

Have you ever wondered whether there is a difference between non-attachment and complete detachment? You are not the only one. Many philosophers, spiritual leaders, artists have wondered the same. Yes, there is a difference. And in this article, we’ll be exploring the same! Detachment means distancing oneself from the world due to a lack of […]

The Essence of Being Free

As per OSHO, freedom has two sides and if we experience only one side of it, our freedom will not be complete. To understand this thought, let’s see what the whole psychology of freedom entails.  The first side involves freedom from a nationality, a church, an organisation, a race, a religion, a political ideology. Once […]

The Charm of the Wise Fool

Let’s revisit OSHO’s much cherished story! One fine morning, a king decided to turn his entire kingdom moral. He banned it for anyone to say something that was untrue. All the wise men of the region agreed and in their attempt to make this the strongest norm ever passed, they advised the king to execute […]