Quietly consider what is right and what is wrong. Receiving all opinions equally, without haste, wisely, observe the law.
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
When things do not go as we planned, we try our best to change the situation for the better. At least that’s what we like to tell ourselves. However, research on learned helplessness shows that if we believe that the situation is out of our control then we give up and simply accept whatever comes […]
It’s a commonly accepted notion that we must try and forgive others for whatever hurt they have caused us; carrying the anger and bitterness is going to only add onto the weight that rests on our shoulders, preventing us from experiencing the good that might come our way later on. Therefore, forgiving others is something […]
If you are happy at the expense of another man’s happiness, you are forever bound.
It is true that we can never be free from Maya unless we cultivate non-attachment. But it does not mean severing our connections from home, family and all worldly concerns and taking up the life of a religious mendicant. I do not agree with those who hold the view that the only means of cultivating […]
Even in the empty forest he finds joy because he wants nothing.
Master your thoughts. Any thought goes on inside your mind. Watch for a few minutes and you will be surprised: the mind seems to be crazy! It jumps from one thought to another thought for no reason at all.
Do not invest in suffering; invest in celebration. If you take a step towards life, life takes a thousand steps towards you. Just take a step out of your bond with the suffering. Osho Related posts: No related posts.
What is the difference between awakened sage and a common man, the awakened one is happy. He will remain super dynamic and would do all things mundane, yet he will never suffer with anxiety or fear, while a man of the world would work hard to attain his goal but would be chased by self […]
All things arise and pass away. But the awakened awake forever.