Unless one drops all borrowed knowledge, one cannot be wise. And the beginning of Wisdom is in being blissful. So drop all ideas of guilt – there is no need to feel guilty. You are perfectly good as you are. This is the way existence has made you; the whole responsibility is its. Rejoice in […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
Mere existence is not life. And people are only existing, vegetating, somehow surviving. For survival, bread and butter, and shelter are enough, but there will be no grandeur, no splendor. Your inner sky will remain utterly dark. There will be no stars, no full-moon night. One has to rebel against all the nonsense that is […]
Love and meditation have always been separated by the so-called religions – not only separated and divided, but almost made as if to be opposite to each other. For centuries, religions have been teaching people: “If you love, you will miss meditation, so drop out of all love relationships. Move into a monastery, remain a […]
society imposes artificiality on everybody. It calls it culture, civilization, education. It gives it big mimes, but the real thing is that it makes you artificial. lt teaches you to repress nature. My whole effort is to help you to be natural again because it is only through nature that one can come to godliness. […]
To be spontaneous means to be responsible to the present. People are dominated by the past. Life goes on changing every moment and mind remains clinging to the past. There is a gap between the mind and life. Anything that comes out of the mind is never going to be a real response; it is […]
Man is not: a being, but a bridge. Animals live being and Buddha’s have being, but man is only a bridge. He has no being; he is a becoming. He goes on becoming, changing, moving from one point to another. He is a Journey, a pilgrimage. This has to be remembered: never be satisfied unless […]
Everyone belongs to God. There is no other way. We are born in God, we live in God, we die in God. Our energy is God’s energy: God is simply the name of the total energy of existence. But the total is not arithmetical, the total is mysterious. It is not mechanical, it is organic. […]
Everyone is God, everything is God. Existence and God are two words for the same phenomenon. So don’t think of God in terms of a person who created the world, who controls The world, who manages the whole affair. Don’t think of him As a supreme boss — there is nobody like that. God is […]
Everything is infinite because everything is divine. Everything is unbounded because everything participates in the nature of existence. Boundaries are created by our senses; they are not there at all. Everything is joined with everything else, but our senses create boundaries. It is as if you look out of a window and it gives a […]
Man is a seed, but just a seed — he is of great potential, but nothing is actual. The seed can die as a seed without ever becoming a tree, without ever coming to flowering. Man is a seed of light. But ordinarily man is not resplendent, man is not luminous, for the simple reason […]