Category Archives: Applied Philosophy

Relevance of Kabir’s teachings in modern world ( Part II)

Sant Kabir Ji - A Greatest Mistic Post And Saint of India Happy Kabir Jayanti

According to the legend, Kabir chose to leave the world at the age of 120 at Magahar in Uttar Pradesh. There was a fight between his Hindu and Muslim followers afterwards over taking the possession of his body. When they lifted the cloth that covered his body all they found were some flowers, which they then divided between themselves. Such was the charm of this man.

And now and there

But what seems to be the problem? When we form a question, some fool turns up to answer it. Once a question is formulated, someone or other is bound to turn up with an answer for it-because someone will formulate the answer. This is how philosophy has come about. Philosophies are made of foolish answers to foolish questions. And the question remain right where they always were, unresolved.