Wherever you put your mind, the mind draws the energy out of it. Sadhu is not one who is clad in white or saffron robes but one whose mind dwells in the contemplation of the Divine and in the welfare of all. Mindfulness is to consciously put the strainer of discrimination and allow thoughts of […]

Take a few deep breaths. Become conscious of the flow of life energy and fill yourself with gratitude. Say Thank you. Now, take a deep breath and while exhaling chant A U M a few times tracking the sound and feeling the Grace of sound form of God. It will detoxify you and allow you […]

Do keep in mind the law of impermanence; nothing stays forever. Not your good times or difficult times. Time steals all. The reality is always hidden behind the veil of transience. Take time during waking hours to awaken to the higher reality of the unchangeable Truth that is Divine, meditate upon it in the silence […]

Things can be done better. If we are to be happy in life we need to make sure what we ingest in our mind through all our senses. Keep company with those that can keep you in the path of dharma. To make yourself happy is completely your responsibility, you can’t blame anyone for it. […]