Your observation of any happening and your inner dialogue creates more of such negative situations. When you say “don’t or no” and resist and reject it only sucks your energy and creates vibrations to materialize similar odd situations. Reduce the use of word “don’t” “no” “not” if you truly don’t want them. Think and say […]
Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area Related posts: No related posts.
“A public angel could be a private devil” Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
Morning shows the day. Think thoughts of positive joyful vibrations, write a couple of affirmations, and follow the law of physics, like attracts like. Thoughts are either negative or positive and they emit similar vibrations and bring from universe similar situations that you go through. Don’t be a slave of your moods, be the master […]
“Your efficacy will emblazon your living”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
Morning shows the day. Think thoughts of positive joyful vibrations, write a couple of affirmations, and follow the law of physics, like attracts like. Thoughts are either negative or positive and they emit similar vibrations and bring from universe similar situations that you go through. Don’t be a slave of your moods, be the master […]
“Education skills, emotion connects” Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
Doubt saps positive vibrations. Whatever you want to realize in life stop doubting and start believing. Whenever small good things happen just rejoice, say in your heart, ye! It is happening. The more you acknowledge the good things, the more positive vibrations are generated and you attract positive joyful happenings around you. When you cry […]
Every one of us have had some stressful experiences and memories in the past. Having said that, we have two picks – either to block the stress incidents that have happened in the pastor and continue to work on what you want to achieve as goals. But first try and clean your past, before deciding […]
“Vulgarians at top are values at rock bottom”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.