Awareness of the present moment awakens you to your spiritual potential. Be mindful of what you think and speak. Words are like a shot of an arrow; once it leaves the mouth you cannot get it back. It either harms or heals. Sweetens a relationship or makes it bitter. Let your words be sweet and […]

One practice by which you can save lots of bad karma is to avoid gossip. This comes out of an unconscious ego trip of being over judgmental about others. Shirdi Sai Baba says one who does it takes all the bad karma of that person. You have come with baggage of past karma, why add? […]

The only reality is the Divine Mother. Till you realize you are Mother’s child and She is taking care of you, and like a kitten surrender to Mother, you will have turbulence and fear. But as you cling to Her feet She will take you to Her lap and then all fears will disappear. Shuddhaanandaa […]

You can rise above all the habitual tendencies of mind only when you mindfully see the world and happenings in your daily life with the eyes of higher light and not the repetitive judgmental mind. By being more judgmental you lose peace of mind. Daily meditation and your own silent time are to renew the […]