The only reality is the Divine Mother. Till you realize you are Mother’s child and She is taking care of you, and like a kitten surrender to Mother, you will have turbulence and fear. But as you cling to Her feet She will take you to Her lap and then all fears will disappear. Shuddhaanandaa […]

You can rise above all the habitual tendencies of mind only when you mindfully see the world and happenings in your daily life with the eyes of higher light and not the repetitive judgmental mind. By being more judgmental you lose peace of mind. Daily meditation and your own silent time are to renew the […]

The real challenge of life is not to identify the person or situations responsible for your miseries in life, not even to seek stop gap solutions, but to dive within in silence and offer the problems to the Divine and wait to know Her Mind, Her Wish. It is only when the Higher Intelligence offers […]

Each day, each breath, each moment is so precious, so beautiful, but our subconscious program does not allow us to be in the present and pulls us off to the unpleasant past or worrisome future. Spirituality is to reprogram your brain by rewriting or rewiring your thoughts consciously to attract the best situations by sending […]