The path of true religion and practical spirituality is the path of transcendence. Transcendence is not possible if you try to avoid pain and suffering. Condemn negativity, and it increases. Instead, accept it as complementary to positive forces, and meditate upon the purpose of a negative happening. Then you are not avoiding it, but awakening […]

Meditation is to visit your “home” from time to time and relax and rejuvenate, regenerate, heal, and then bounce back to the dynamic life of activities. Work, work, work, till the last breath, but do not stray away from the Center, your inner cave, your silent Home of eternal peace and calm. Let not work […]

Meditation is to visit your “home” from time to time and relax and rejuvenate, regenerate, heal, and then bounce back to the dynamic life of activities. Work, work, work, till the last breath, but do not stray away from the Center, your inner cave, your silent Home of eternal peace and calm. Let not work […]