Yoga and Meditation Classes in Noida, India

best Yoga and Meditation Classes

With the urban buzz of our life, we get distracted and tensed that makes daily life seem sad and wretched. Yoga and Meditation is a perfect solution for all those feeling stressed with everyday worries. Not only it helps the human mind and soul but yoga also helps in keeping the body fit and healthy. […]

Trillions of cells live in your body with incomprehensible synchronicity and pure harmony. Even a simple unnoticed blink of your eyes is the result of millions of coordinated function of billions of cells. Do you just blink or blink with awareness and thankfulness? These little acts of gratitude will change your attitude to life and […]

Understand one thing, there is no alternative to self-help. All external help or props create dependence and misery. Your so-called love is one such thing. Invest your emotion in anything other than to your own Atman (Self within), it brings pain. First anchor yourself in the Atman within, first understand the treachery of mind and […]

As you think, so you become, the Rishis, seers of our land gave us all the wisdom that can lead us in every crisis that confronts us. Think thoughts that is filled with love and light, empty yourself of the fears and anxieties that come from unconscious layers of your past mind. Hold on to […]

Take every opportunity to feel grateful to God, to your parents, to everyone who touched your life. Be thankful to those who hurt you, gave you pain, for they cleansed your karma, like a good friend they made you realize life a little deeper. Made you richer in Spirit. Shuddhaanandaa Brhamchari Related posts: No related […]