Your power of observation has magical powers even at the quantum level! When you observe your body with closed eyes, and scan it with the eye of awareness you can catch the finer communication of the body and your consciousness has infinite powers to detoxify and cleans your system. Stress gets accumulated and spread to […]
One, if given a choice, would any day prefer a date with a stranger over a presentation or holding hands with his/her lover at the movies over a board of members meeting. We all know and admire the highs and ecstasy of love and we all detest the dullness and tedious nature of our work. And yet, there are some ways in which sometimes work wins over love.
In this article, we explore why, even if you don’t like them, you can’t fare without them!
Sai Baba of Shirdi, a great Yogi, used to say “Whatever I accept from devotees I return hundred fold back to them.” Don’t mistake that only Shirdi Sai Baba does this. This is the very law of the universe. You cannot make God or a true Saint indebted. Whatever you give to a good cause […]
“Actions discover weakness of resolve more than strength of value” Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
“People are not market share to be gained, but hearts to be won” Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India. Related posts: No related posts.
Mulla (to his wife): The movie was SO bad that even though I watched a pirated copy for FREE, I still want my money back…!
At times when life becomes unmanageably turbulent, and no effort on your part helps, then it is time for you to withdraw, stop your efforts, become quiet, just let go, let the universe take over. The universe invariably finds the right path for you. That silent effortless state is your true friend for that is […]
“Chase the moon, but preserve the earth”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.