Verbal communication is a very poor vehicle of thoughts. Sages of India taught more through the language of silence than words. Do not obsess yourself to acquire lot of spiritual knowledge. That could confuse you if you do not have an adept, a genuine master to guide you. If any teaching truly touches your heart […]

Why condemn anger? It is energy in manifestation. You can’t have anything that is without a purpose. Your condemnation of this energy leads to repression. Repression leads to dis-ease of body-mind. Want to know the purpose? Just become mindful, watchful when the smoke starts to occupy your mind space. Consciously do it once, feel the […]

‘Tasmat Yogi bhavarjuna’ – Krishna says, Arjun become a Yogi. Just unplug for a few minutes from the world of distractions, watch your breaths as if you are watching waves in the sea, rising and falling, then silence follows. Bathe in that silence. In that silence you can hear Lord saying to you what he […]