Do you think you have a brain in your head, well that is true, but science istelling us that even the heart has a brain! So if there is IQ IntelligenceQuotient, then there is another intelligence of the heart, EQ EmotionalQuotient. As such if you are head smart (IQ) you can make money and earnfalse […]

Negative or positive thoughts are nothing but your mental emotional pattern. The more aware you are of the play of divine forces the more you see the grace even in dark clouds. Scientists have found that it is not so much the external situations but the internal attitude with which you perceive threats and fears […]

If you are alert and mindful then you will not chase happiness and pleasures, for they eventually bring pain. Sooner we shift our focus from external happiness to inner awakening better for us. How long can we live in the illusion that things outside will be set right and I will be happy! Outside world […]