Quite often, even though our calendars are filled with crosses and short phrases, our hearts feel empty. We may know better about where we will be in the next five years than we know about in the next five seconds. We seem to be suffering from an excess of orderliness, caution and structural rigidity and […]
From the eternity of time, we’ve been taught how happiness, joy, pride, excitement are positive emotions among others. And how sadness, hurt, anger, fear are the bad boys, among a whole lot of others. We were always asked to seek the positive gang and stay as far as possible from the negative emotions. I stay […]
We all wish to make our lives taste a bit sweeter, a bit happier and a bit more positive. So why wait until tomorrow for the taste to arrive on our tongue when we can have all of it today! Here are some tips to add some positivity to your life – 1. Thought – […]
For a few seconds calm down, see within, yes, there are two “I” in you. One saying, l am this, I am that, I need to do this, I need to do that, I am tired, I am fine, creating a constant chatter. Now see litter deeper. There is another “I”, which is silent, doing nothing. […]
For a few seconds calm down, see within, yes, there are two “I” in you. One saying, l am this, I am that, I need to do this, I need to do that, I am tired, I am fine, creating a constant chatter. Now see litter deeper. There is another “I”, which is silent, doing nothing. […]
Wherever you go don’t miss an opportunity to close your eyes and garner your attention to feel deeply the vibrations of pure nature, for that will give you the glimpse of your true Self beyond all trifles of transient experiences. Your soul is hungering for that truer experience of silence and peace that prevails in […]
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According to Amy Morin (Author, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”), therapy isn’t just for those who are at the bottom of the hierarchical pyramid, it is also for those who are at the top of it. Let’s see why! Imposter Syndrome As a symptom of this syndrome, one does not feel inherently responsible […]
There comes moments when your body’s energy feels low, or your mind is not in its usual high. Meditation helps you immensely to come over these phases of life. Instead of feeling low or feeling what is wrong, take a few moments to just sit or lie and relax from head to toe and feel […]