“Escape into reality if you want to be truly free.” Related posts: No related posts.
Is daily meditation, when you are sitting and trying to find that quiet space inside you, your priority? You may have hundred other priorities, but if you remain a stranger to yourself, no control over your fits of anger or not feeling enough good, then all your skills and time for success will one day […]
In all things, be a master of what you do and what you say and think. Be free.
In 1945, within months of his liberation from a concentration camp in Nazi Germany, Viktor Frankl wrote the book ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’. The book not only explored the horrors and suffering that Frankl endured in the camps but majorly, it wanted to answer the question: what makes life worthwhile and meaningful? Here are some heart touching lessons from Man’s Search For Meaning’.
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Life and death are subjects of such colossal proportions that even after hundreds of years of contemplation by scholars of science and arts alike, much hasn’t been added to the repertoire of this knowledge. Self-intervention in this cycle, or imposing ones will before natural death is suicide. Suicide throws a spanner in the wheel of […]
Almost everyone is looking down at their personal technology devices and unintentionally, adopting the posture of a sad person.
We all have become worshippers of fear! We only talk about corona and it’s evil possibilities. But how many of us are talking more of the power of God? How many of us are recognising the fact that we have not really invested much in solidifying our immune system when everything else looked normal. How […]
“If you succeed in being silent, you will not fail when you do speak.” Related posts: No related posts.
Why do you say quarantine? Sounds negative. It is a golden opportunity for quiet-time to meditate upon the purpose of human birth and the mystery of birth and death! Let fear of death go forever! Related posts: No related posts.