Shake off Your Fat and Depression

Long-term stress could make people fat”, claims a study of around 50 overweight middle-aged men in Sweden. Disruptions in the human nervous system or stress can concentrate fat around the abdomen, raising the risk of diabetes and heart problems, the study by the university hospital in the Swedish city of Gothenburg found. The eastern yoga […]

Morning time don’t get too busy with too many activities. Try to begin the day with more positive feeling of gratitude for everything in life. Be prayerful. Walk mindfully. Breathe mindfully. Talk mindfully. Listen mindfully. Let your mind learn the art of being super-dynamic while maintaining calm passivity inside. This is the skill of a […]

The more I see the world the more I am convinced that from earliest childhood we need to be inducted into a spiritual life that transcends all religious dogmas. That structures a brain that can continually generate positive and calm vibrations of core values of love and gratitude. That alone can change the world into […]

Say goodbye to Unhappiness in New Year

Swami Chaitanya Keerti It is an old story. Also it is a new story, and the story of the future as well. This is how a man always lives. He lives with a question: I am not happy, how can I be happy? What should I do that will make me happy? Mystics in past have given […]