Be in the world but don’t be of the world. Remain aloof, remain cool, remain untouched. And then, the world has much to teach you. The world is a device of existence; it is a situation in which to grow and mature. Related posts: No related posts.
With the repeal of agricultural law, political equations will change in electoral states With an appeal to end the farmers’ movement, PM Narendra Modi announced the repeal of agricultural laws in the winter session of Parliament. The farmers’ agitation, which started after the introduction of these agricultural laws, had created a fierce atmosphere against the […]
In clinging to the cramped universe of the ego we have the tendency to be concerned exclusively with ourselves. The least setback upsets and discourages us. We are obsessed with our success, our failure, our hopes and our anxieties,
“Feign is in vogue; take a walk.” Related posts: No related posts.
True spiritual practice ALONE can give you the EYE of awareness. Awareness is our non-judgemental, non-reactive acceptance of things or persons or circumstances as they are, not as we want them to be. Everything we see, perceive and believe are coloured with our preconceived notions. Hence, the resulting pleasures or pains. If we can uncondition […]
Related posts: No related posts.
In between these brackets of different activities we forget that we have some blank spaces too. These blank spaces are the places where we can think about what we are up to.
Each moment always has both alternatives: you can choose to be miserable or to be blissful. Start looking at it in in this way: in each situation, first try to find out what will make you miserable and what will make you you happy about it. Related posts: No related posts.
मुंबई. नवभारत ग्रुप का ‘नवभारत गवर्नेंस अवार्डस-2021’ समारोह बीते शनिवार को राजभवन में आयोजित हुआ. जिसमें महाराष्ट्र के राज्यपाल श्री भगत सिंह कोश्यारी ने विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में उल्लेखनीय कार्य करने वाले और कोरोना काल में नेतृत्व प्रदान करने वाले महाराष्ट्र के वरिष्ठ प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों को ‘नवभारत गवर्नेंस अवार्ड’ प्रदान कर सम्मानित किया. इस भव्य कार्यक्रम […]
It is better to be deceived than to deceive, because if you deceive, you lose the greatest treasure of your life, you lose the capacity to trust. Let me repeat: the capacity to trust is the greatest treasure of life because without it, neither love is possible, nor prayer is possible, nor god is possible. […]