“Time never sets, enjoy its company when you rise. Happy New Year. “ Related posts: No related posts.
Karma is the staircase that must be climbed to the peak of human excellence. It is not only bondage. It is the pathway to the ultimate freedom of unity with your Beloved. You search only when you are missing something. Your search is your Karma. When you find your way home, the searching ends. Karma […]
This is very scary that people are committing suicide at such an age 15-29 year when they have a tremendous amount of energy to create a solid foundation of their life. Such youthful people are supposed to enjoy and celebrate their life.
In India, more people died of suicide than Covid in 2020, with the greatest increase in young people. We need to ponder: which is a greater pandemic and threat to humanity – corona or mental illness? We have far fewer psychiatrists and therapists compared to the growing demand! It is time we listen to the […]
Every New Year we try to create a resolution for ourselves. Mostly it is to give up something. Mostly it is to bring some change in ourselves. But then why do most New Year Resolutions fail. As a human being we are blessed to expand. Contraction is against the natural low. Existence is expanding every […]
Let there be laughter throughout the new year! Those who have been reading Osho’s books, or listening to his discourses, know one person for sure and that is Mulla Nasruddin. Osho dedicated most of his jokes to him. In ancient times of the Arabian world, Mulla Nasruddin was projected as a very wise man who […]
If we can see the beauty, if we can experience the joy, the dance of the stars and the trees and the wind and the rain, we will not ask such stupid questions as: “what is God?” and “where is God?” and “Does God exist or not?” we will know that this beauty is God, […]
योगी सरकार ने निखारी बेसिक स्कूलों की आधुनिक तस्वीर – साढ़े चार सालों में परिषदीय स्कूलों में बढ़ी छात्र-छात्राओं की संख्या – आपरेशन कायाकल्प के तहत स्कूलों में बढ़ीं बुनियादी सुविधाएं – कॉन्वेंट स्कूलों को टक्कर दे रहे प्रदेश के परिषदीय स्कूल – बेसिक शिक्षा विभाग में एक लाख 25 हजार से अधिक नियुक्ति उत्तर […]
प्रदेश सरकार ने एमएसपी पर अब तक 7381.08 करोड़ रुपये का धान खरीदा – राज्य ने 06 लाख से अधिक किसानों से 40.92 लाख मीट्रिक टन धान की खरीद की – किसानों के बैंक खातों में सीधे किया जा रहा है भुगतान यूपी सरकार ने अब तक लगभग 40.92 लाख मीट्रिक टन धान खरीदा है, […]
यूपी के युवा जॉब सीकर नहीं’ जॉब क्रिएटर बनेंगे: सीएम योगी युवाओं के लिए सरकार ने बनाया है स्पेशल स्टार्टअप फंड विकास कार्यों की सौगात देने के साथ ही मुख्यमंत्री ने युवाओं में बांटा टेबलेट व स्मार्टफोन गोरखपुर में सीएम योगी ने किया विश्व स्तरीय वाटर स्पोर्ट्स कॉम्प्लेक्स का उद्घाटन साथ ही1305 करोड़ रुपये की […]