There are stories that thousands of Tantrikas were murdered by Raja Bhoj, so the genuine Tantrikas who really knew the secrets of Tantra had to go underground to continue their practice. This was not something that society could understand.
Unless one drops all borrowed knowledge, one cannot be wise. And the beginning of Wisdom is in being blissful. So drop all ideas of guilt – there is no need to feel guilty. You are perfectly good as you are. This is the way existence has made you; the whole responsibility is its. Rejoice in […]
By Sahil Gadhavi Tantra is the new technology to connect to the inner self. but the technology for the outer world, as we know it, is changing rapidly. Far more than we are able to comprehend. It is hard to imagine exponential growth so I will use the example of 2. Let’s assume that 1990 […]
राज्य कर्मचारी संयुक्त परिषद ने पेंशन योजना के लिए उठाये गए कदम के लिए सीएम योगी को दिया धन्यवाद अखिलेशजी! नई पेंशन स्कीम आपके पिताश्री ने ही लागू की थी प्रदेश की जनता को ‘पेंशन विहीन’ करने की समाजवादी पार्टी के षड्यंत्र का खुलासा: जे एन तिवारी* अपने शासनकाल में पेंशन अंशदान का 10 हजार […]
राष्ट्र को बचाना है तो पूरे दम से बीजेपी को फिर एक बार बहुमत से सत्ता में लाना है -अपर्णा यादव पार्टी की विचारधारा के कारण आज मैं इस पार्टी का हिस्सा हूं -अपर्णा यादव योगी सरकार की महिला केंद्रित योजनाओं से महिलाएं हुईं सशक्त -अदिति सिंह बीजेपी में महिलाओं का सम्मान सर्वोपरि-प्रियंका मौर्य* राष्ट्र […]
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“There is no sadness, only sad interpretations.” Related posts: No related posts.
Mere existence is not life. And people are only existing, vegetating, somehow surviving. For survival, bread and butter, and shelter are enough, but there will be no grandeur, no splendor. Your inner sky will remain utterly dark. There will be no stars, no full-moon night. One has to rebel against all the nonsense that is […]
This word whole is beautiful. The word heal comes from the whole, and the word holy also comes from the whole. He is whole, healed, holy.
There have been so many great people in the world–philosophers, thinkers, powerful leaders, saints, mystics, scientists–and most of them wrote their autobiographies. Some who did not write, their followers or lovers wrote their biographies. The purpose of such stories is mainly to glorify the achievements of the great individuals and to inspire the world so […]