If you know when to stop, when and whom to say ‘no’ to and are aware that the sole goal of life is to be happy and free from all dependence, then you are much ahead in the path of light. At the end of the day don’t forget that your mind is all that […]
overwhelming number of people whose rules wire them for pain. Its as if they have intricate network of neural pathways that lead to painful state, and they have handful of neural pathways that are connected to pleasure.
Nona Khanna To attain the happiness you have to do a few things right. Once you are on path of it the the net result is pure happiness. 1. Realize that enduring happiness doesn’t come from success or wealth We all know that money can’t buy happiness, even as much as we don’t want to […]
You have to be a ruler of the inner world. We have a king-dom inside the true kingdom. We all want to become kings, but we go on searching in the wrong direction, we go on searching outside. One can become a worldly king, but still, deep down, know that one has missed. One is […]
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Bringing out the essence of sharing in Tantra Vision, Osho says , “Not because by sharing you will be helping others, no, but by sharing you will be growing. The more you share, the more you grow.
“Republic thrives when constituition lives. Happy Republic Day.” Related posts: No related posts.
शिवराज का वादा, दो लाख को रोजगार, हिन्दी में इंजीनियरिंग, मेडिकल की पढ़ाई मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने वादा किया है कि उनकी सरकार हर महीने दो लाख लोगों को रोजगार उपलब्ध कराएगी। साथ ही इंजीनियरिंग और मेडिकल की पढ़ाई भी अब अंग्रेजी के साथ साथ हिन्दी में कराई जाएगी। मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह […]
Don’t keep yourself separate. Seeing a rose, become the rose. Seeing the sunset, be lost in it. Don’t remain aloof, cold. Don’t remain just a spectator, become a participant. Seeing the sky full of stars, become part of it, a small star. But participate in the dance. To me that’s what religion is: dissolving oneself […]
Everybody is a piece of rock. Unless you attain to your uttermost glory, you are bound to be a piece of rock. But nothing is wrong in being a piece of rock. Because the piece of rock is nothing but a God fast asleep, snoring. A piece of rock is god asleep. Nothing is wrong […]