शिवराज करेंगे स्कूलों में जाकर श्रमिकों के बच्चों से संवाद शिक्षा-विशेषज्ञ के मार्गदर्शन में संचालित होंगे श्रमोदय आवासीय विद्यालय मध्य प्रदेश में श्रमिकों के बच्चों को बेहतर शिक्षा मिले इस पर मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने फोकस किया है। प्रदेश में संचालित किए जा रहे चार श्रमोदय आवासीय विद्यालयों में शिक्षा प्राप्त कर रहे श्रमिकों […]
“God scripts a future that no astrologer can predict.” Related posts: No related posts.
The doctrine of Pratityasamutpada or Dependent Origination is the foundation of all teachings of the Buddha. It is contained in the Second Noble Truth which gives us the cause of suffering and in the Third Noble Truth which shows the cessation of suffering.
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Neuroscientists are coming with more and more solid proof that meditation is the only way we can transcend the conditioned mind of the pain-pleasure cycle and reach the ground of stability and calm, seeing the world and responding to the world of daily life from the state of higher consciousness.
Next use your social awareness skills to think of the person who is receiving the feedback. Remember, feedback is meant to address the problem, not the person. How does the person need to hear your message so it is clear, direct, constructive, and respectful?
It happens in your life, sometimes only in a few moments when you love a person. That too is rare, because man’s mind never leaves him, even in love. It goes on creating its own nonsense, creating its own world. and the lover is no longer allowed such closeness that he reaches to the background.
Don’t you think true success is our ability to move through ups and downs of life with equal ease? Failures are as important as valleys to mountain peaks! Can you think of peaks without valleys? Success without failures? Joy without miseries? We live in the sphere of opposites. It is up to us where we […]
Everybody has the seed to become a beautiful flower of love, a lotus. But very few people have been able to become it, for the simple reason that very few people are alert; they can’t discriminate what is what. Watch how many things are pretending to be love. If they are love, they cannot create […]
घोर परिवारवादियों के हाथ में कभी यूपी की सुरक्षा नहीं दी जा सकती: पीएम मोदी* आतंक के सामने आंख पर पट्टी बांधकर बैठ जाने वाले घोर परिवारवादी : – कौशाम्बी में जनसभा को सम्बोधित करते हुए पीएम मोदी ने घोर परिवारवादियों पर बोला हमला* – चांदी का मुकुट देख लपकने वाले लोग गौतम बुद्ध की […]