Only meditation or practice of mindfulness can bring us more to this present moment awareness of life’s flow to create that pause in us where we can find our quiet power and invoke the divine potential to face the negative and gradually win it by our spiritual strength.
Religion is dead without laughter. It becomes alive only when you can have a total laugh, a passionate, intense laugh, so that it dances in all your cells, it vibrates in your whole being. Then it becomes something bigger than you, so that you are just a small thing in it; it surrounds you like […]
One, if given a choice, would any day prefer a date with a stranger over a presentation or holding hands with his/her lover at the movies over a board of members meeting. We all know and admire the highs and ecstasy of love and we all detest the dullness and tedious nature of our work. […]
“Life is a limerick of a rhyme.” Related posts: No related posts.
Love, bliss, meditation, truth, all need great strength. 0ne has to be together. Ordinarily people are just fragments. There are thousands of pieces, but there is no integrity. To be weak means to be divided, to be undivided is strength. And whenever you are undivided, you literally become an indivisible. It brings strength, and strength […]
When was the last time someone put aside everything to listen to you?
So, nirvana means that a person has come to know that death is not really death and life is not really life, Once he has come to the realisation of both, there is no longer any built in program for him. He has let go of the program. He says, “Now I will go alone – a solitary bird in flight. ” He goes completely alone, leaving everything behind.
They have ‘discovered’ that most of the things we think will make us happy, don’t, at least not for long. For example, to their surprise, they found that money, beyond enough for basic needs, does not bring more happiness.
My way of surrender has always been very simple. With gratitude and love in my heart I visualise the lotus feet of my Guru and Ishta and put my forehead there, as if I am a pot filled with water and I am emptying it at Her lotus feet. Now I assure myself that She […]
What would your world look like if Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and many other networking platforms didn’t reside on your phone or laptop? I quit Facebook and Instagram (these were the only two ones I was using) 6 months back and this is what my world looks like now: 1. I can get more work done […]