With ego, life is a misery because if you are rooted in some- thing false you cannot celebrate. Only truth can release the energies of celebration in you. Only truth can become a song in your heart. The ego is the greatest lie: all other lies are by- products of it. And because it is […]

Self–Talk: The most important conversation of your life!

Why self-talk is important? Why do all of us concurrently indulge in self-talk? Do you think it is some kind of mental condition? Can we control our thoughts while self-talking? Do you indulge in self-talking consciously / subconsciously? Are you surrounded with such questions when the topic of self-talk is raised? Yes, all of us […]

One of the difficult things for many is the willingness and ability to give more than expecting to receive. As such giving is the art of happiness. Those whom you see as having a lot are the ones who gave in their previous births. They are now drawing on the past account balance. If you […]