योगी सरकार के प्रयासों से रामपुर में बनकर तैयार हुआ भारत का पहला अमृत सरोवर – पीएम मोदी की 75 अमृत सरोवर बनाए जाने की परिकल्पना को यूपी सरकार कर रही पूरा – राज्य सरकार के प्रयासों से गंदगी से पटे तालाब का किया गया कायाकल्प, यहां से कब्जे भी हटाए गये – अमृत सरोवर […]
ऑपरेशन कायाकल्प से बढ़ेगी प्राथमिक और माध्यमिक विद्यालयों की स्मार्टनेस – प्रदेश के सभी प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में बच्चों के लिए होंगे अनुकूल फर्नीचर – निजि स्कूलों को टक्कर देंगे यूपी के प्राथमिक और माध्यमिक विद्यालय – 30000 माध्यमिक विद्यालयों के बुनियादी ढांचे का नवीनीकरण होगा – ऑडियो-वीडियो प्रोजेक्ट के साथ स्मार्ट क्लास रूम बनेंगे – […]
राज्य सरकार की पहल पर 100 दिनों में मनरेगा से मिलेगा 600 तालाबों को नया जीवन – ग्राम विकास विभाग ने पानी को सहेजने की बनाई कार्ययोजना, गांवों के लोगों को रोजगार के ढेरों अवसर भी देगी सरकार – राज्य सरकार गांवों में नहरों का निर्माण, तालाबों का गहरीकरण और मनरेगा से पशु बाड़ों का […]
“If you have not understood a person, never judge that person.” Related posts: No related posts.
Life affirmative powerful thoughts are real food for our brain and mind. Yogis work from the plane of mind that is ever connected to the powerhouse of infinite wisdom and benevolence. Thoughts and actions create karma. Karma drives our life. Karma is totally impartial. Your motivation, intention and actions decide your fate now and for […]
The Self of a Buddha, one who had achieved cessation of attachment to the aggregates, could only be understood firsthand. One cannot convey enlightenment in words; one experiences it directly.
Client-centered therapy or person-centered therapy is a non-directive kind of talk therapy developed by Carl Rogers. Coming from a humanistic perspective, Rogers believed that people are innately good. He also strongly believed that people have an actualizing tendency or the ability to work towards achieving the best they can out of themselves. And based on […]
Those who are knowledgeable will have to put their knowledge aside if they really want to become wise. It is not ignorance that hinders wisdom, it is knowledge; hence knowledge is real ignorance. The first thing you have to learn as a sannyas in is that all you know is not real knowing; it is […]
A few years later psychology professor Timothy Wilson and Jonathan Scholar repeated the experiment with the students from the university of Washington, the results were almost identical both students and experts preferred the same type but the that was only first part of Wilson”s experiment.
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique based on the idea that an unseen “life force” runs through all of us and it is this life force which is responsible for us being alive. If the levels of this energy are low then we are more likely to be sick and suffering. On the other hand, […]