सीएम ने एनसीआर में कोरोना पर नियंत्रण के लिए उठाए गए कदमों की दी जानकारी मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने कोरोना पर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के नेतृत्व में मुख्यमंत्री की वर्चुअल बैठक में भाग लिया और एनसीआर के जिलों में कोरोना के नियंत्रण के लिए उठाये गए कदमों के बारे में जानकारी दी। मुख्यमंत्री योगी ने कहा […]
Yes, you are using these mechanisms almost each day. Yes, you are unaware of their usage. Yes, you should now become aware of them.
You are divine and you are formless. God is not something quantitative, God is only a quality. God is not something material. It is only a presence. It is not like a flower, it is more like a fragrance. One can feel it, but one cannot catch hold of it. One can enjoy it, one […]
Aggression is often due to insecurity. When thrown outside aggression hurts others while when it is goes inside the person it creates stress. What is insecurity? Insecurity is always related to future. The mind has this unique quality to exist only in future and therefore all insecurities are related to future. Insecurities related to our […]
Meditation destresses. It makes us happier. And trains our mind to live in here and now. Meditation makes us grounded and calmer. It would need an entire book to bring forth the benefits of meditation. Quite a few celebrities and power people have chosen Meditation as their preferred way to attain happiness, to manage stress […]
Each day, each moment is a gift to seek and search the Doer of all doings to find happiness in life. Closer you are to the eternal Beloved, the less you do, the more happiness you attain effortlessly. Be dynamic in the periphery but passive in the core within, that is the way to be […]
Today, we bring to you a special story from the life of the mystic and the saint, Kabir Das. Buddha was to give an extremely special talk one day. Thousands of people from miles around had come. When Buddha arrived, he was holding a flower. Time passed but Buddha said nothing. He just kept looking […]
योगी सरकार 2.0 में बस एक क्लिक में देख सकेंगे नान जेड.ए. जमीन के रिकॉर्ड राजस्व विभाग की सभी नॉन जेड.ए. खतौनी को कम्प्यूटराइज्ड करने की योजना भूमि विवाद के मामले में आएगी कमी उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार प्रदेश की सभी जमीनों के सभी दस्तावेजों और मॉडर्न रिकार्ड रूम के डाटा के संरक्षण के लिये अलग […]
विशेष विद्यालयों में होगी स्मार्ट क्लास की व्यवस्था डॉ. शकुंतला मिश्रा राष्ट्रीय पुनर्वास विवि में होगी ब्रेल प्रेस की स्थापना प्रदेश में तीन विशेष विद्यालयों को किया जाएगा हस्तगत सरकार ने 100 दिन की कार्ययोजना में किया शामिल योगी सरकार समाज के हर तबके को प्रदेश के विकास के साथ जोड़ने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। […]
“If nothing is fathomable, everything will be shallow.” Related posts: No related posts.