Resolve that every morning you will start your day’s routine with swadhyaya, reading that which will instantly connect you to your Beloved in your heart. Read, stop, close your eyes, dive, feel, and affirm deeply the positive gifts in your life. Breathe deeply, expand your lungs, fill yourself with Prana, affirm immunity, health and healing. […]
Client-centered therapy or person-centered therapy is a non-directive kind of talk therapy developed by Carl Rogers. Coming from a humanistic perspective, Rogers believed that people are innately good. He also strongly believed that people have an actualizing tendency or the ability to work towards achieving the best they can out of themselves. And based on […]
Yes, let’s straightaway get to the point and see how! 1. Slow Down To Let Your Body Catch Up Eating at a turtle’s pace is probably the best way to allow your mind and body to communicate about the kind of nutrition you need. The body sends its satiation signal 20 minutes after the brain […]
It seems like we all find it hard to let go of “the one that got away.”
As per OSHO, freedom has two sides and if we experience only one side of it, our freedom will not be complete. To understand this thought, let’s see what the whole psychology of freedom entails. The first side involves freedom from a nationality, a church, an organisation, a race, a religion, a political ideology. Once […]
In the end, it is experience that means happiness. Think of the time you spend with family and friends that means sharing, hugging, laughter and happiness.
Let us not do the same thing the same way. Let us not think the same thoughts that create an unhappy future. Let us not breathe unconsciously missing every moment our connection to Prana-shakti which strengthens our immune system and keeps our mind calm and peaceful. Be mindful. Be meditative, be grateful, be available to […]
This is a beautiful insightful story about Chuang Tzu, a great mystic who lived in China. One morning, Chuang Tzu looked very sad while sitting in his bed. His disciples had not seen him this sad before. And never had they found him sitting in the bed after having woken up. Why was he sad? […]
ग्राम सचिवालय में महिलाओं से जुड़ी समस्याओं का हो रहा निस्तारण बेटियों के साथ महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने वाले मिशन शक्ति अभियान के तहत पावन पर्व नवरात्रि के पहले महिला सुरक्षा को लेकर विशेष अभियान शुरू किया गया। मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने पूर्व में अधिकारियों को निर्देश देते हुए कहा कि बेटियों की सुरक्षा को […]
यूपी का आकर्षण बनेगी लघु चित्रों से सजी खूबसूरत चित्रकला विथिका – योगी सरकार दिलाने जा रही भारतीय शास्त्रीय परम्परा से जुड़ी चित्रकारी शिल्प कला को नई पहचान – संस्कृति विभाग की अनूठी पहल को राज्य संग्रहालय लखनऊ देगा साकार रूप – अगले 06 महीनों में लखनऊ के राज्य संग्रहालय में चित्रकला विथिका का होगा […]