Contributing to the Wellness of All

One of the research findings of Harvard University tells that a good relationship with family and friends gives us good health and a longer life. As such our thoughts and beliefs have a lot to do with our wellness. Happy positive thoughts create an inner atmosphere of growth, while an unhappy state of mind creates inner resistance and stress leading to loss of health.


– Dignity of character comes through meditation. You are not practicing anything as far as your character is concerned, but your insight grows. You start seeing things as they are, and your whole life is transformed in this new light, in this new vision. You cannot behave in the old way. You cannot deceive anybody […]

Why The Real May Not Be The Real

Ancient Greek Philosophers constantly worked towards changing our perspective of the world by constantly trying to make sense of how the world worked. One of such philosophers was Plato who was an Athenian philosopher during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, founder of the Platonist school of thought, and the Academy, the first institution of […]

सीएम योगी ने सपने को किया साकार, 80 हजार करोड़ की परियोजनाएं और उतरेंगी धरातल पर

सीएम योगी ने सपने को किया साकार, 80 हजार करोड़ की परियोजनाएं और उतरेंगी धरातल पर पीएम मोदी शुक्रवार को लखनऊ के इंदिरा गांधी प्रतिष्ठान में करेंगे 80 हजार करोड़ की परियोजनाओं की ग्राउंड ब्रेकिंग सेरेमनी देश के नामी उद्योगपति गौतम अडानी, कुमार मंगलम बिड़ला, निरंजन हीरानंदानी, मैथ्यू आइरीज रखेंगे अपने विचार, सज्जन जिंदल, संजीव […]