मानचित्र स्वीकृति में न हो अनावश्यक देरी, आवेदनकर्ता को बुलाकर करें समाधान: सीएम कार्यशैली में बढ़ाएं पारदर्शिता, विकास की कार्ययोजना तैयार करें विकास प्राधिकरण: सीएम योगी मुख्यमंत्री के सामने करना होगा कार्ययोजना का प्रस्तुतिकरण परियोजनाओं का निर्धारण करते समय आगामी 50 वर्षों की स्थिति को ध्यान में रखें: सीएम मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने सभी विकास […]
“If you stop minding, nothing will matter.” Related posts: No related posts.
Our brains are nothing but bio computers. It has taken millions of years for nature to evolve the brain. In creating the computer, we have simply made a brain outside the body, a mechanical brain. Of course, computers will go on growing and growing, they will become bigger and bigger, and they will be capable […]
From time to time during your daily routine just stop, ask yourself am I awake? If you were doing the same thing the same way as you did in the past then you were repeating the past. You were in the past, both your body and mind. To be in the past is to be […]
Well-Being should be taught in school. Considering the phenomenal increase in cases of depression among the children attending school it is absolutely must that we taught well-being in our schools. By some estimates depression is about ten times more common now then it was fifty years ago. Typically in an American society this is not […]
During this lockdown caused by Coronavirus Pandemic, many people who have to be forcibly in isolationship, have suddenly become more interested in meditation or mindfulness. And luckily, there are thousands of meditators in the world today to offer meditation to the new people. This gives the world a new hope for a better world and better humanity. […]
“You disgust me!” “You’ll never get accepted into that college!” “Get a life!” Can you imagine yourself talking to a person close to you in this manner? Of course not! It’s natural for us to speak with kindness to someone we care about. Often when they end up on our couch, with their head resting […]
In the previous part, we learned about what is emotional abuse and the contexts where it can happen. In the current one, we’ll be looking at the four types of emotional abuse (there are more); you can use this information to see if you are the victim of one. Gaslighting is a means of psychological […]
हल्दी के उत्पादन में सांगली, ईरोड और निजामाबाद बन सकता है कुशीनगर हल्दी के उत्पादन के मामले में भगवान बुद्ध की परिनिर्वाण स्थली कुशीनगर दक्षिण भारत का इरोड,सांगली और निजामाबाद बन सकता है। शर्त यह है कि सिद्धार्थनगर के कालानमक धान की तरह प्रदेश सरकार इसको भी कुशीनगर का ओडीओपी (एक जिला एक उत्पाद) घोषित […]
पीएम मोदी के नेतृत्व में देश में 12 फीसद घटी गरीबी दर: नड्डा देश के राजनीति की संस्कृति बदल दी प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने भारत अब मांगने वाला देश नहीं बल्कि दुनिया को देने वाला देश बन चुका मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ के साथ भाजपा के नए क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय के उद्घाटन व गरीब कल्याण मेला में […]