On his visit to USA, The Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi became emotional while answering a question at Facebook town hall. The question was pertaining to hardships his mother faced while raising him. He said in an emotional but proud voice that his mother Heeraben Modi raised him and his siblings as a single […]
बच्चे बाल श्रम न करें, भीख न मांगे इसके लिए समाज भी आगे आए मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह ने कहा सरकार और समाज मिलकर कार्य करे तो बदलाव आएगा भोपाल । 12 जून मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कहा कि बच्चे भीख ना मांगे, उनकी पढ़ाई-लिखाई, कपड़े, भोजन इत्यादि की व्यवस्था हो, बच्चों से बाल श्रम […]
भामाशाह योजना के तहत किसानों की भरेगी तिजोरी फल और सब्ज़ी की खेती करने वाले किसानों के लिए योगी सरकार की बड़ी योजना आलू, प्याज और टमाटर के लिए मूल्य समर्थन योजन किसानों की आर्थिक दशा में सुधार करने के लिए केंद्र व राज्य सरकार लगातार प्रयास कर रही है। बड़े किसानों के लिए ही […]
“If we are always at odds, no one can be even with us.” Related posts: No related posts.
Your physical health depends upon your mental health. Let each day become a gift for you to live it to its maximum potential, so that you can calm your mind first, through practice of inner quiet, inner positive self-talk, inner transformation and inner illumination. Love only Love! Related posts: No related posts.
Related posts: No related posts.
“Nanak says there is music at His door. No, music is His door. Celebration, festivity are His practices. The whole of existence is filled with song,” says Osho. With the 550-year celebrations of the birth of Guru Nanak in full swing now, Osho’s insights on the great Sikh guru have become most relevant. Happy Ho […]
With the mind, division will remain. Only with witnessing self division disappears. With the witnessing self you cannot say who is the known and who is the knower, it is both. But this has to be based on experience, otherwise it becomes a philosophical discussion.
If the disease is not there, meditation is not needed. And it is not accidental that the words ‘medicine’ and ‘meditation’ come from the same root. It is medicinal.
No tree is as foolish as man, no animal either is as foolish. Man is the only idiotic animal on the earth, but that idiocy also be transformed into a great blessing – because only man can understand what separation is and what union is. The trees, the birds, the animals, are one with existence […]