Remember to be true to yourself. How? three things have to be remembered. One, never listen to anybody, what they say for you to be: always listen to your inner voice, what you would like to be. Otherwise your whole life will be wasted.
Thousand and one are the temptation around you because many people are there peddling their wares. It is a super market, the world, and everybody is interested in selling his wares to you; everybody is a  salesman. If you listen to too many salesmen you will become mad. Don’t listen to anybody, just close your eyes and listen to the inner voice. That is what meditation is all about: to listen to the inner voice. This is the first thing.
Then the second thing – if you have done the first thing only then the second becomes possible: never wear a mask. If you are angry, be angry. It is risky, but don’t smile, because that is to be untrue. But you have been taught that when you are angry, smile: then your smile become false, a mask…just an exercise of the lips, nothing else. The heartfelt of anger, poison and the lips smiling – you become a false phenomenon.
When you want to be angry, be angry. there is nothing wrong in being angry. If you want to laugh, laugh. there is nothing wrong in laughing loudly. By and by you will see that your whole system is functioning. When it functions, really, it has a hum around it, just as a car, when everything is going good, hums.
And the third thing to remember is authenticity: always remain in the present, because all falseness enters either from the past or from the future that which has passed has passed – don’t bother about it. And don’t carry it as a burden; otherwise it will not allow you to be authentic to the present and all that has not come has not come yet – don’t bother unnecessarily about the future; otherwise the future will come into the present and destroy it. Be true to the present, and then you will be authentic. To be in the here and now is to be authentic.