If you are more focused with situations and circumstances that need your attention, it is fine; but if you are fire-fighting most of the days and time, then your stress hormones would invite problems at physical and emotional levels. Consider a higher reality – your inner (Manas, buddhi, chitta, ahankar) is driving your external world […]
When the individual (mind) dissolves in the Cosmic Mind, it is no longer the mind we are talking about. It is a state of Supreme Consciousness. It is this calm and friendly mind that is the true refuge and the reservoir of infinite power and potentials.
– I am not in search of another world, something that is beyond death; my effort is to transform this moment now and here into paradise. I am not for postponement. All those people who have been saying, If you are virtuous, after death you will be rewarded,” are being deceptive because who knows what […]
The concepts of Grit and purpose might in principle seen to conflict. How is it possible to stay narrowly focused on your own top level goal while also having the peripheral vision to worry about anyone else? if Grit is about having a pyramid of goals that all serve a single personal objective, how do other people fit into the picture?
Sleep deprivation currently threatens the lives of upto 45% people worldwide, indicating a global sleep crisis. But here’s why our changing nocturnal habits won’t do us any good. As per a study published by Harvard, the following six domains of our lives will get affected for the worse when we decide to walk out on our ZZZs –
An unpleasant, unforeseen event occurs in our life. Maybe an illness, or maybe something smaller, like a power outage. What is our natural, immediate response? Greek philosopher Epectitus wrote about being able to differentiate between things that lie within our control and things that lie beyond. We can only control ourselves, our mind, our response […]
“Time flies, but heritage stays.” Related posts: No related posts.
Remember always that what so ever is happening around you is rooted in the mind. Mind is always the cause. It is the projector, and outside there are only screens -you project yourself. If you feel it is ugly then change the mind. If you feel what so ever comes from the mind is hellish and nightmarish.
Rate of suicide is rising beyond human comprehension! Every child needs to be trained in the art of God love from early childhood so that he or she has the strongest anchor when failures and frustrations hit hard! Can you believe in India more people died of suicide than covid in 2020!!!!! Most victims were […]
The moment you are open, the meeting happens instantly. Existence is always open, the problem with us is that we are closed. The sun has risen but we are sitting with closed eyes – what can the poor sun do? The light is showering but we are living in darkness. It is so easy to […]