मध्यप्रदेश में 76 लाख किसानों ने खरीफ फसल बीमा के लिए किया आवेदन

प्रदेश में 120 लाख हेक्टेयर में अब तक खरीफ फसलों की बोवनी हो चुकी है। धान की बोवनी का काम चल रहा है। उधर, किसानों ने प्रधानमंत्री फसल बीमा योजना के तहत बीमा कराने के लिए 76 लाख आवेदन किए हैं। इसमें 72.72 लाख आवेदन उन किसानों के हैं, जिन्होंने बैंकों से फसल ऋण लिया […]

Your gateway to wisdom, liberation!

My daughter and her friend recently joined Yoga Classes to enhance their fitness levels and learn some meditation techniques (obviously on my behest). When they returned from the class, out of curiosity, I checked on them, “How was the class?” They did not sound much enthusiastic as anticipated, knowing that today’s young generation of today […]

The third eye belongs to our subtle body

The third eye belongs to the subtle body. when the energy is moving through the physical body, you are looking through the physical eyes that is why through the physical eyes you cannot look at anything other than physical, than the material. the two eyes are physical. through these eyes you cannot look at any thing, cannot see anything which is not physical.