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Cholesterol is a lipid found in the bloodstream that is often considered as harmful for the body. Contrary to this popular belief, cholesterol is highly essential for normal functioning and maintenance of the body. Cholesterol is required to build membranes and membrane fluids. It is also known to play an important role in the synthesis […]
To be awake is to be alive! We wake up everyday, start the same day, same chores, our mood swings between the same poles of likes and dislikes, between highs and lows. But how many of us awake to a new dawn, a dawn of awareness that beyond the veil of relativity is the ever […]
Love is a small lamp , but it is enough,in fact more than enough .You don’t need to carry a sun with you,just a small lamp is enough in the dark night . Of course it sheds light only a few feet ahead of you , but that’s all that is needed, you walk those […]
“Be full of others, not of oneself.” Related posts: No related posts.
In the morning when the sun is just about to rise , there should be singing , dancing – just as birds dance and trees sway in the wind and everybody is agog , waiting for the sun to come on the horizon , and then suddenly the sun come is a welcoming song , […]
Whenever you are caught in the spiral of autopilot mode of thinking negative thoughts, stop, breathe deep breaths, and do any mantra Japa that you are connected to. This will uplift you to positive vibratory field and you will enjoy the bliss of Divine association. Love and peace. Related posts: No related posts.
“Review status quo,embrace influence.” Related posts: No related posts.
The individual is a passage , a bridge from the collective to the universal . It frees you first from the collective , and once you are free from the collective , there is no need for you to be an individual . You can dissolve into the whole . That is the miracle of […]
Ego cannot earn! It can only spend.Love and light! Related posts: No related posts.