I look forward to a day when India will be renamed as Bharat which is its true identity from time immemorial! Bha is the self illumined Atman our inner essence, rata denotes engaged in, bharat signifies the land where people are rooted to the culture of the spirit, the ground of love and harmony, peace […]
Shut the mind, let your heart speak, if you want children to listen. Happy Children’s Day.🙏. Related posts: No related posts.
If we can understand a single drop of water , we have understood all the water that exists anywhere .And each man is a dewdrop of existence . If we can understand one man …And the easiest and the closest is existence . Once the mystery is understood , once the door is open , […]
“We fill our bags, but we still feel the emptiness.” Related posts: No related posts.
Just close your eyes and for a moment connect to your breaths. Breathe with the cosmic sound of AUM with longer exhalation. Let every cell of your body get goose bumps with this God-sound! Related posts: No related posts.
One needs to be industrious; one needs to accept challenges which provoke one for the upward journey. It is hard, it is dangerous, but it brings out the best in you. It creates integrity, ultimately it creates a soul in you. George Gurdjieff used to say that not everybody is born with a soul. He […]
“Be habit wise,for they grow on you,good or bad.” Related posts: No related posts.
Don’t unconsciously repeat your past. Your inner world waits for you to explore the infinite potentials, lying untapped, un-discovered. Imagine your whole body runs automatically from breathing to beating of the heart, from digestion to assimilation, but your anxieties and fears ruin the natural balance of body-mind. Let the inner change first. Outer will change […]
We are all carrying a star of infinite beauty within ourselves. We are stars. Of course, we are surrounded by much smoke and clouds and if one looks from the outside, nothing of the star can be found. The function of meditation is to penetrate through these dark clouds that surround you, and to reach […]
This is the most difficult question bothering us today, whether to express or contain in your heart – your emotions. This depends on emotion to emotion, person to person, and situation. One needs to use his wisdom to react in a particular manner. Our emotions are the most complex aspect of our being. Nobody can […]