To me, prayer has nothing to do with words. It is a silent gratefulness; it is utterly silent, but a deep gratefulness. It is possible only if you learn how to be blissful; otherwise there will be nothing to be grateful for. So I teach my sannyasins not prayer, but bliss. Dance, sing, be blissful, […]

Self-love is sadhana(practice) to get back to your true Self. At the moment, your sadhana is based on continual illusion about who you are. The more you feel you are your body, the more mind gets attached to mithya, untruth. In meditation, you feel you are in that blissful state, which is your Soul-state. Self-love […]

How do we get non-dreamy sleep?

“When you cease to dream, you cease to live,” – Malcolm Forbes Do dreams mean anything? Alan Eiser, a psychologist and a clinical lecturer at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, says dreams can be “highly meaningful,” because they “deal with the sort of personal conflicts and emotional struggles that people are experiencing […]