Meditation is application of intelligence to whatsoever you are doing, and then slowly, slowly, your intelligence becomes a light unto itself. Though, its a new path for you better to follow alone rather than to follow with the crowd. Because,it is not a question of right or wrong; it is the question is of authenticity, […]

 Live your life as if you are the first person on the earth. Live as if you are Adam and Eve – nobody has been before so there is no way to imitate. Once you start living your life according to your own light, without any fear of committing mistakes… Mistakes are bound to be […]

The Divine Mother longs to hear the mantra “Ma” from the core of child’s heart and instantly She touches you with her infinite love and grace uplifting you to the realm of divine bliss.She protects you from all pain and suffering, bless you with all abundance and peace!   Related posts: No related posts.

Jainism: Your pathway to transcendence!

noun. Jain·​ism ˈjī-ˌni-zəm. ˈjā-: a religion of India originating in the sixth-century B.C. and teaching liberation of the soul by right knowledge, right faith, and right conduct. Mahavira was called ‘Jina’ meaning the big winner and from this name was derived the name of the religion. Today, when we are celebrating “Mahavir Jayanti,” it’s time to […]