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Most contemporary psychological research into the regulation of the emotions has focussed on how to control and modulate the emotions after they have flooded the mind. What seems to be missing is the recognition of the central role that heightened awareness and clarity of mind – the “mindfulness” of buddhism – can play in the […]
Reaching toward that inner flame is really an arduous path with many pitfalls. Moving in darkness, one stumbles; moving in darkness, one gets hit; moving in darkness, one falls and has to rise again. You need constant encouragement, constant support, somebody to prevent you from running away and escaping. That’s the function of the master, […]
As the disciple prepares the wicks and oil Guru comes to light the lamp; that is how the flowering of enlightenment happens through sharing of responsibilities between Guru and disciple. All Glory to the Master! Related posts: No related posts.
“Act from your heart, not from your pain.” Related posts: No related posts.
Meditate upon the light at the center of your heart or at third eye center, and allow all your negative darkness to be transformed into light. Allow all evils to disappear and your true Atman shine with its self illumined eternal glory. Light up your soul, light up all souls all over, all around! Related […]
Courage is the greatest religious quality, everything else is secondary. You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous. You cannot be loving if you are not courageous. You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous. You cannot inquire into reality if you are not courageous; hence courage comes first and everything else follows. […]
उत्तर प्रदेश के युवाओं के लिए बड़ी खुशखबरी है। प्रदेश के युवाओं के लिए हर साल एक लाख सरकारी और 12 से 15 लाख प्राइवेट नौकरी के मौके सृजित किए जाएंगे। मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने शनिवार को संजय गांधी स्नातकोत्तर आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान में यह घोषणा की है। सीएम योगी ने शनिवार को एसजीपीजीआई में नव […]
Science can never be a shelter for man. It can give you more comfort, convenience, a better standard of living, but it cannot give you a better quality of life — that is impossible. That can happen only through religion because religion helps you to feel at home, it gives you something certain to live […]
Like two eyes, two ears, God has given us two sides of the brain. Know for sure if there is one unfailing way to balance the two sides of the brain, it is Mindfulness, it is Meditation. Yoga is a state of this balance between the head and heart, the left and the right sides […]