It takes tremendous strength to surrender to the enlighten Master or the Divine. One thing no one wants to lose in life is ego. Most feel to give up control is to lose the very spice life! But those who truly became dear to the Holy Master are the ones who hold nothing, knowing the […]
Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa
Like a holy dip in the Ganges, dip in the womb of your consciousness! Allanswers are there waiting for you, the answers which are not words, butrevelations, realisation, enlightenment. Related posts: No related posts.
Oh! Lord of my heart, you are pouring love through every cell of my body, every thought of my mind delights in your Light, every spark of my soul rises in a flame of all enveloping love, Thy grace is boundless, Thy love infinite! My gratitude knows no language but tears of surrender unto Thy […]
Always seek the company of those who can uplift your spirit and remind you of your innate Divinity. Don’t feed yourself with only appreciations andcompliments. It is addictive and most often acts as a sedative to yourconsciousness. Awaken to the light of divinity to serve the world as non-doer!! Related posts: No related posts.
Everybody is like a child, a grown up child looking for appreciation and love. But the search is on the periphery. One who grows in consciousness feels self love first and it flows from within, touching all of life bringing in return unconditional love from God. Then and then alone you are filled to the […]
The unwanted clutter needs to be dropped. Don’t carry it on your shoulders or your mind. True renunciation is the state in which all the unwanted is dropped. You become light, free of the old baggage and awakening into the dawn of enlightened consciousness that sees oneness as the quintessence of all Existence. Related posts: […]
Stop! Don’t start reading the message as your daily ritual. For a few secondsclose your eyes, pause, relax, just open all your sense preceptor and becomeaware of all the sounds, first outside around you and then inside in yourmind. Become aware. Don’t judge or label your experience with any innerchatter. Just listen. Just watch. Non […]
When we unconsciously mumble in our minds something that we don’t likeor about some hurt feeling of the past what we are actually doing is we areaffirming our wish to be unhappy even in the future through negativeaffirmation. Positive affirmation of pro-life attitude cannot be developedovernight for so much undoing is needed to clean up […]
Hope is the light that leads us, but hope also at times frustrates us, for wehave the right to action but not the results. Regrets and self-belittling areroad blocks to your forward movement in the path of light. It is good to beaware of mistakes in the past and take lessons and move on to […]
Wisdom is the Seer and Sage within you. When you see light in the midst ofdarkness, light even in the shadow then know that your inner sage is helping you, you are in Satsang. Knowledge is updatable. As we see in the world of science, every day research proves the previous theory was not complete. […]