Author Archives: Jwalant Swaroop

The causes of Sufferings

Is there only way to put an end to suffering? According to Buddhism, suffering will always exist as a universal phenomenon, but every individual has the potential for liberation from it. As for human beings in general, we cannot expect suffering to simply vanish from the universe, because in the Buddhist view, the universe is […]

A doing mind always worry, a resting mind is Happy

The biggest enemy of happiness is worry. We are trained that all the time we keep our mind engaged no matter even f it create worries. Worries are actually biggest killer of human life. No disease is bigger than worry. Most of the troubles of life are originating from worries. People hide worries and try […]

Grit is important element for self motivation

The concepts of Grit and purpose might in principle seen to conflict. How is it possible to stay narrowly focused on your own top level goal while also having the peripheral vision to worry about anyone else? if Grit is about having a pyramid of goals that all serve a single personal objective, how do other people fit into the picture?

What so ever is happening to us is deep rooted in our minds

Remember always that what so ever is happening around you is rooted in the mind. Mind is always the cause. It is the projector, and outside there are only screens -you project yourself. If you feel it is ugly then change the mind. If you feel what so ever comes from the mind is hellish and nightmarish.