Green represents life , aliveness , freshness. It is the color of the trees . For thousands of years the so – called religions have destroyed all greenery in man’s being . They have left man almost like a dead tree , no foliage , no flowers , no juice flows anymore . Hence humanity seems to be so sad and bored . I want to bring a dance back to humanity . I want human beings to be rooted in the earth again so that juices can start flowing again , so that great foliage , great greenery can happen again .

Unless one blossoms , one remains discontented . A tree is fulfilled when there are flowers , and in the same way man is fulfilled . The flowers of love , of bliss , of freedom , of intelligence , of godliness – only these flowers can give the sense of fulfillment . And the fulfilled person is never sad . To me , the fulfilled person is a saint ; others are only pretenders .