Turn your failures into success in life!
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill.
I think success and failure are two sides of the same coin. When you toss a coin, you don’t know whether it is head or tail – failure or success. Success is not certain; failure is not inevitable. We need to be prepared for both. Success gives us happiness, recognition, and satisfaction and failure gives us sadness, dejection, and frustration.
Success & failures are applicable in all spheres of life, be it exams, marriage, relationships, businesses, illnesses, interviews, jobs, hobbies…almost everything. But do we become successful in all spheres of life? No! You face failure in some spheres, and success in some. But are you the one who is facing failure on too many fronts and too frequently? It is a worrisome situation.
Still, not all is lost, you need to figure out the reasons and strike hard to overcome the scenario. You need to turn your failures into successes, though it is difficult, but not impossible.
“No human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better you are as a person.”
As a first measure, follow the tips like: Face fear head-on. It is important to put your goals and objectives above any fears. Take a break. Even if things don’t work out, it’s not the end, continue to set goals and stay focused.
There are some other effective ways to turn your failures into successes like dissecting your failure, don’t waste your failures, using your failure as motivation, taking your advice, embracing it, and reframing the failure.
Is failure the way to success? Maybe!

Failure allows us to bounce back, learn from our mistakes, and helps us appreciate success. Failure can be frightening, however, as Winston Churchill says, “success is all about going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm”.
Why do we believe that failures are stepping stones to success?
Every adversity, disappointment, and failure carries with it the seeds of success. It just takes a little positive mental attitude and a commitment to keep trying. Once you can treat failure as a learning opportunity you can put it in the past and be able to move forward.
Does failure strengthen a person?
Failing at something forces us to acknowledge where we have room to improve. This can make us stronger and more resilient as we advance one step closer to success. Failure is only a pit stop. With perseverance, you will make it across the finish line.
“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are.”
These days we are constantly subject to news of start-ups making losses and hence failing. This impacts their other aspects of life. Do we need to evaluate the reasons why start-ups fail?
These could be: Burned out/lack of passion. Work-life balance is not something that start-up founders often get, so the risk of burning out is high, pivot went bad, disharmony among team/investors, poor product, product mistimed, not the right team, financial/ pricing/cost issues, or even regulatory/legal challenges.
Here entrepreneurs invest huge sums of money and other resources while starting a venture. Besides, putting their hearts and souls at risk, too. When they succeed, no workplace exhilaration can compare, but when they fail, and many of us do, it’s crushing. Sometimes, it can feel like our worst fears coming true. Fortunately, there’s hope as all is not lost.
Think that even failure is an opportunity.
You must acknowledge your failure and work toward taking corrective measures. Avoid the blame game, it will take you nowhere. If you feel that you were right, you made the right choices, still, circumstances didn’t support you and you failed. You don’t have to be apologetic but you need to confront them to alter your choices next time.
Be it a financial, emotional, social, or physical failure, particularly the public kind will shake your confidence. That’s human. But understand that confidence and optimism are central to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Steve Jobs was fired from the company he co-founded for his mistakes. It’s hard to fail bigger than that. But failure didn’t cause Jobs to lose his faith in or his enthusiasm for his ideas. You don’t have to be a genius to follow his example.
Having your business fail can feel like the end of the world, but you’ll be relieved to know that the Earth keeps spinning. Failure, like almost everything else to an entrepreneur, represents an opportunity. Keep these tips in mind and live happily ever after!
You need to remind yourself that you have strengths to rely on and weaknesses to improve on.
So always be happy, you should not trade off your happiness with anything in life so HappyHo.