Sogyal Rinpoche’s The Tibetan book of Living and Dying 

It is a valuable guide for conscious living and dying. He says, two people have been living in all your life. One is the ego,garrulous,demanding,hysterical,calculating,the other is the hidden spiritual being, whose still voice of wisdom you have only rarely heard or attended to. As you listen more into your life, your inner voice, your innate  Wisdom of discernment, what we call in buddhism ” discriminating awareness” is awakened and strengthen and you begin to distinguish between its guidance and the various clamorous enthrilling voices of   ego.

The memory of your real nature, with all its splendour and confidence, begins to return to you.
You will find, in fact, that you have uncovered in yourself, your own wise guide. because he or she knows you through and through since he or she is you, your guide can help you, with increasing clarity and humour, negotiate all the difficulties of your thoughts and emotions. Your guide can also be a continual, joyful, tender, sometimes teasing presence, who knows always what is the best for you and will help you find more and more ways out of your obsession with your habitual responses and confused emotions. As the voice of your discriminating awareness grows stronger and clearer, you will start to distinguish between its truth and the various deceptions of the ego and you will be able to listen to it with discernment and confidence.

The more often you listen to this wise guide, the more easily you will be able to change your negative moods yourself, see through them and even laugh at them for the absurd dramas and ridiculous illusions that they are. Gradually you will find yourself able to free yourself more and more quickly from the dark emotions that have ruled your life and this ability to do so is the greatest miracle of all. Terton Sogyal, the tibetan mystic said that he was not really impressed by someone who could turn the floor into the ceiling or fire into the water. A real miracle he said was if someone could liberate just one negative emotion.