God is your inner voice . No priest is needed , you need not have any instructions from anybody about your life . But one thing has to be done : you have to move inward so that you can hear the still , small voice . Once it is heard , once you know how it can be heard , your whole life is transformed . Then whatever you do is right.

Socrates says knowledge is virtue . By knowledge he does not mean knowledge ability , by knowledge he means intuitive insight , knowing . His statement is tremendously significant . Intuitive knowing is virtue . He does not say what virtue is and what sin is : intuitive knowing is virtue . The man who knows intuitively , the man who can hear his own innermost core , is bound to be virtuous , he cannot be otherwise . It is inevitable .

Once heard , you cannot go against it because nobody can be so foolish , it is unimaginable . My whole effort here – and this has been the effort of all the masters ; Buddha , Jesus , Zarathustra -is to help the disciple to listen to his own center . I am not giving you a discipline , I just have to help to listen to your own center and then to follow your own heart . That will be virtue , and that is real character , that is real morality . But it comes from your innermost core ; it is nothing imposed from the outside.