In the second part, we’ll find out how a certain Indian Goddess results in the creation of thunderstorms and lightning, how Ganga came about and how too many vaginas can sometimes cause trouble!


When Nimibatapa, of the Sherdukpen people, and her husband argue, things pan out very differently from the way they do in case of other couples. Her husband, when angry as a result of the fights, chases her across the sky, creating thunder with each step he takes. When Nimibatapa tries to escape from his rage, lightning flashes emerge from her vagina. And that is how thunderstorms are created. Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India.

Nimibatapa is not the only Goddess who creates trouble with her vagina, Chigum-Erum, the waterfall goddess of the Miri does so too. She likes to lift her skirt every now and then and expose what’s underneath to her husband. Each time she does so, lightning flashes emerge from her vagina. Her husband is not very pleased with her behaviour and thus spits at her, creating hailstorm. 


One time, Shiva beheaded a demon and said that he wouldn’t put the skull down till it was filled. Unfortunately, Shiva’s third eye was so powerful that it would turn whatever was put into the skull, into ashes in a second. 

Shiva went to a hermitage but all the sages were away. The wives of these sages came outside with butter that was meant to fill the skull. However, the moment they laid their eyes on Shiva, they went into a mode of ecstasy where they started tearing their clothes off.

When the sages returned to see their wives naked, they became furious and made a plan to kill Shiva. However, Vishnu came to save the day. He took the avatar of a beautiful virginal Goddess named Mohini. Mohini had the same impact on the sages which Shiva had on their wives.

Soon after, everyone was dancing naked in ecstasy. Meanwhile, Mohini blinded Shiva’s third eye and filled the skull with her blood, releasing Shiva from his vow.

It is said that whenever Shiva and Mohini are in each other’s company, a child is born. One time these two engaged in sexual pleasure beside the ocean and from their combined flowing love juices, Ganga was born.


This particular Goddess was a demon queen with a very long tongue. And with this tongue, she was known to lick all the sacred liquor called soma that was offered as a sacrifice to the Gods.

Indra wanted to stop this nuisance but he was unable to control her behaviour. So he told a hero named Sumitra to seduce the long tongued queen. However, Sumitra failed because he had only one penis. 

Usually, one penis does do the job for a woman but Dirghajhivi had many vaginas all over her body. And so she wanted someone who had multiple penises. Indra, in order to make the game equal, did bless Sumitra with these. And soon after his multiple penises penetrated into the Goddess’s vaginas, Indra attacked her. Catching herself off guard, Dirghajivi lost her life.

Do check out Part 1 to this article and let us know which Goddess’s story fascinated you the most!