Sainath of Shirdi once sent a seeker of Brahman to his friend’s house to learn that wisdom from his maid! He was shocked! The ultimate knowledge and that too from an illiterate maid! True to Sai’s words, the man learned how to live life and be happy in the midst of all challenging situations. Wisdom […]
Category Archives: Thought Of The Day
In the open space of mind that is consciousness, thoughts come and go, thousands of them in a day. It is not the mind that is contaminated; it is the thoughts and emotions of negativity, anger, jealousy, greed and frustrations of unfulfilled desires that create the pollution in the inner environment. To be mindful is […]
Two things decide the fate of our life, one is thought and the other is belief. Happy people are always healthy for they consciously only choose to nurture positive thoughts and affirm positive possibilities. Those who are successful have a strong self-belief. It is the belief that I will overcome every obstacle and live my […]
Kindness is the quality of the Soul within. It is God who alone is Kind and His infinite kindness manifests through our soul for the happiness and peace of others. Worship the kindness that is within you as the spark of God’s love for all beings. Love and light! Related posts: No related posts.
Let your prayers rise from the core of your heart in the simple language of acknowledging the infinite gifts that you are showered with every moment since birth, so that your heart surges in love for the invisible hands of the Divine, the Lord of your existential being. Once you fill your pitcher with gratitude, […]
Practice catching some catnap pauses or silence in between the mechanical repetition of the daily routine both at home and work. These are your mindful moments. Stop, unplug, and breathe deep long mindful breaths emptying your mind to be filled by Divine Mother with all Her Grace. Let not your repetitive life lead you to […]
If we can slow down a bit and allow our mind to become calm we can see how life is a flow and not so much our doing or achieving. Blessed are they who see meditation not as another task but a chance to relax and let go, to just be, be a simple watcher, […]
Whenever you get an opportunity to do something good, don’t postpone it for tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes. Do it today, nay, do it right away! Prompted to do something that could bring unhappiness to you? Postpone it for tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes! Love and light! Related posts: No related posts.
It is always easy when the sailing is smooth. But when out of the blue a dark cloud covers the sun, the invisibility of the sun makes us feel as if the sun is not there, but with time the clouds clear off and the sun shines again. Every event and happening in life comes […]
Take sometime every day to reflect and ask yourself what is the true purpose of my life. We get so caught up with repetitive chores that we miss the true essence of life. We need to make sure that we don’t take anything for granted. This life, which is a pure opportunity, needs your attention […]