Since the air in between the panes is colder, it’s not unusual to see ice crystals forming around the hole as the more humid cabin air enters the cavity.
Category Archives: News
Jolly claims that the advent of the internet has made situation worse: today there are about 5,000 websites that are making money in the name of ‘Santa Banta’ jokes.
But have we ever thought what would happen if we stumble across extraterrestrial intelligence that is not out for a tour of the universe on a peace mission? what if ‘they’ are here on mining our fair planet for everything it’s got?
As part of a long-running effort to win control of the narrative on social media and deter dissent, China’s Communist Party has launched a campaign three years ago to criminalise the spreading of rumours.
Google originally announced the creation of Gmail on 1 April 2004 and, at the time, there was speculation as to whether the email service was an April Fool’s stunt.
Although the International Nasreddin Hodja fest is celebrated between 5 and 10 July in his hometown every year. But the first of April is also celebrated as Mulla Nasreddin day.
Today, driven with her passion to excel, she has found her path to success and is heading ahead with full throttle towards ‘the moon’.
English is Germanic, Spanish is in the Latin family and Mandarin developed independently from both. ASL developed in the 1800s from a mix of French and local sign language systems, and has a grammatical structure distinct from English.
It is likely that medical interventions in the past few decades, such as the use of pneumonia and flu vaccines and decreased smoking helped reduce ear infection incidences.
The event was full of happiness and excitement as they smeared each other with Holi colours. This this was for the first time they played Holi inside a temple in this holy town