Unless one discovers oneself, one remains just a means. The moment one discovers oneself, one has found the end. The circumference of your being is the means: the body, the mind, the heart. Use all of them to reach the innermost core, the very center – and that is the end. In finding it, one […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
Our brains are nothing but biocomputers. It has taken millions of years for nature to evolve the brain. In creating the computer, we have simply made a brain outside the body, a mechanical brain. Of course, computers will go on growing and growing, they will become bigger and bigger, and they will be capable of […]
People think that they fall in love because somebody is beautiful or something is beautiful. The truth is just the opposite: something appears beautiful because you have fallen in love with it, not vice versa. It is love that makes everything beautiful. The moment you are in love with somebody or something, suddenly its beauty […]
Meditation is like the moon, it transforms the energy of lust into love , anger into compassion , greed into sharing , aggressiveness into receptivity , ego into humbleness . Moonlight represents something very significant because you have to pass through the same process , from the sun to the moon , from the extrovert […]
Every morning is a mini birth , a new birth , and you have to praise existence – it has given you another day .We are not worthy , we have wasted yesterday , all the yesterdays . But it is generous , it has given us one more chance to try again , to […]
Worship nature. To go into a church is to go into something man-made. Go into the forest, go to the river, go to the ocean. Then you are going to something God-made, and God is closer when you are close to his creation. To worship his creation is the only way to worship him. He […]
In the morning when the sun is just about to rise , there should be singing , dancing – just as birds dance and trees sway in the wind and everybody is agog , waiting for the sun to come on the horizon , and then suddenly the sun come is a welcoming song , […]
Love – that one word contains all that is worth having in life, worth possessing in life. One can forget God and nothing is lost, but if one forgets love, then everything is lost. If love is there, God is bound to happen because God is the ultimate peak of the experience of love. But […]
The moment you are open , the meeting happens instantly . Existence is always open, the problem with us is that we are closed . The sun has risen but we are sitting with closed eyes what can the poor sun do ? The light is showering but we are living in darkness . It […]
Laughter is one of the most divine experiences , but very few people really laugh . Their laughter is shallow . Either it is just intellectual , or just a facade , or just a formality , or just a mannerism , but it is never total . If a man can laugh totally , […]