Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

A divine voice is always there in the heart, always calling you. But you are not available; you are engaged in mundane affairs, in ordinary things. Your mind is full of unnecessary rubbish, busy without business. So you go on missing the small voice within. Once the mind is silent, once thoughts disappear, once you […]

All meditations are devices to bring your fragments together, to melt into each other, to create a kind of oneness in you, to bring a center to your being. Once that center starts growing you will have enough courage to go into the unknown; then you will risk all. And existence asks that you risk […]

Silence is neither German nor English nor French. Anybody who falls into silence is no longer part of any nationality, any linguistic group, any race, any religion. Silence knows no boundaries, it is infinite; and to be in silence is to be in prayer. Related posts:

If we can understand a single drop of water , we have understood all the water that exists anywhere .And each man is a dewdrop of existence . If we can understand one man …And the easiest and the closest is existence . Once the mystery is understood , once the door is open , […]

Unless your heart sings and dances you are not really living, you are only dragging: fulfilling certain duties, going through certain rituals, somehow managing and maintaining a facade. But deep inside, there is emptiness and a great trembling because one knows in the deepest part of the heart that life is not yet fulfilled, that […]

Love is a small lamp in the heart , but it is enough ; in fact more than enough . You don’t need to carry a sun with you ;nothing more is needed for life’s pilgrimage . The light of love goes on showing you the right path . If one starts listening to one’s […]