Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

The Mediocre man lives according to others; the intelligent person is one who lives according to his own light. Whatsoever the risk, he is capable of taking it because he relies on his own intelligence. He knows that the greater the challenge, the greater will be his intelligence; hence he accepts challenges. He lives in […]

God cannot be proved. No argument is possible either for or against. But if one grows in consciousness, one starts feeling God. As you grow more and more in consciousness, you become aware that things are disappearing; matter is disappearing, and instead of matter the universe starts appearing to be divine, to be consciousness. It […]

Man needs integration, an integration of all the fragments into one whole, into one harmony. And that is the whole effort of religion. The very word religion means that which binds you together. That’s exactly the meaning of yoga too; yoga means union. Religion and yoga are synonymous. When you become crystallized, when you become […]

To me, prayer has nothing to do with words. It is a silent gratefulness; it is utterly silent, but a deep gratefulness. It is possible only if you learn how to be blissful; otherwise there will be nothing to be grateful for. So I teach my sannyasins not prayer, but bliss. Dance, sing, be blissful, […]